Mentors are the north star for our team, providing guidance and direction as we chart new futures. They’re often experts within their professional fields and are the reason we have such successful competition seasons. They teach students how to properly utilize many business and engineering-based skills — from Excel, programming, and working with businesses to CAD, soldering, fabrication and machining, and even cutting wood, and everything in between. Most important of all these skills that the mentors teach us are how to work together in project teams, such as how our subteams like frameworks, functions, and controls have to work together or else the robot will either fall apart or not move. Our ability to work together is what changes the StormBots from a bunch of random teenagers making a hunk of metal move to a well-oiled team that can turn a box of parts into a well designed and functioning 125 pounds of metal, plastic and wire that can move, tilt, lift and pivot while completing challenges — in other words, our mentors provide us an with focus and unite us as a team.
Jeff has worked at Frito Lay and currently works at VPS. He has been a mentor for 13 years. Jeff likes being a coach because he likes working with students. He also really likes hippos
Luke works at VPS. He has been a coach for 12 years. Luke likes being a coach because he loves working with and learning from the students and other mentors
Gary works at Skyview High School. He has been a mentor for 7 years. Gary likes being a coach because he likes watching the talent of the students and knowing that they are going to go far in their careers.
Phil is retired from working at HP and VPS. He has been a mentor for 11 years. Phil likes being a mentor because he enjoys free donuts and helping students acquire and practice in-industry skills.
Tawnya works at Wilcox + Company, PC. She has been a mentor for 7 years. Tawnya likes being a mentor because she likes working with the students and helping them learn valuable skills they'll use in the real world.
Elizabeth works as Realtor at Realtor Elizabeth. She has been a mentor for 2 years. Elizabeth likes being a mentor because she likes seeing students brainstorm and come up with great ideas and execute projects together.
Kalyn works at VPS. She has been a mentor for 4 years. Kalyn likes being a mentor because she likes watching students learn to work independently and helping them develop new skills
Nancy works for VPS. She has been on the team for 13 years. Her favorite part about being a mentor is seeing the students grow their skills and coinfidence through the program.
Kyle works at Platt Electric Supply. He has been a mentor for 17 years. Kyle likes being a mentor because he likes watching students grasp a concept and applying it to the task at hand.
Will works at Fisher Investments. He has been a mentor for 2 year. Will likes being a mentor because he likes having the opportunity to teach and develop talents. Prepare the next generation of engineers, technologists and leaders.
Chad works at the Kroger Company. He has been a mentor for 3 years. Chad likes being a mentor because he likes learning alongside new and veteran robotics members.
Ryan works at Harris School Solutions. He has been a mentor for 4 years. Ryan likes being a mentor because he loves learning new things from the students he works with. They broaden his understanding of the world and his appreciation of others.
Andro works at Leatherman Tool Group. He has been a mentor for 2 year. Andro likes being a mentor because he likes working with extremely talented students.
Bryan works at ConMet. He has been a mentor for 3 years. Bryan likes being a mentor because he likes seeing the students grasp technical concepts.
Marcus works at Daimler Truck. He has been a mentor for 3 years. Marcus likes being a mentor because he likes watching students find their passion with engineering or manufacturing in creating robots and having fun.
Mike works at Simplexity Product Development. He has been a mentor for 3 years. Mike likes being a mentor because he enjoys working with students especially those that really get into the technical challenges.
Dan works at OSH Park. He has been a mentor for 9 years.
Daphne works at VPS. She has been a mentor for 6 years. Daphne likes being a mentor because she likes to watch students solve problems and learn through their experience during build season.
Emerald works at Backcountry Gear. This is her first year as a mentor. Emerald likes being a mentor because she enjoys contributing to the culture of FIRST, and meeting/learning from the students.
Vasyl works at HP Inc. He has been a mentor for 14 years. Vasyl likes being a mentor because he likes sharing knowledge and skills and helping students grow both as people and professionals.
Robert works at Multiverse. He has been a mentor for 4 years. He likes being a mentor because he likes watching the students build resilience.